Silverleaf is just a dream!

Silverleaf is just a dream!
September 2010, future site of Silverleaf!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sand, stain, varnish, sand, varnish!

With the hardwood floor installation looming, we got busy with all the sanding, staining and varnishing needed on anything immovable in the great room, dining room and loft.  That included the tall wall, which Greg got busy on.  What a pain to move that 32-foot extension ladder numerous times!  Not to mention trying to stain and varnish from it  : - )
In the meantime, I worked on the railings, the 3/4 logs on the corners of the great room, and on the edges of the ceiling.  I also spent 7 hours sanding the BIG TREE in the kitchen, before I stained and varnished it. 
As of today, the 16th of June, the sanding, staining and varnishing of the immovable objects is finally done, including the two big overhead logs, that we thought would be such fun to have for decorative purposes!  We still have plenty of doors and windows and trim to stain, however!

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