Silverleaf is just a dream!

Silverleaf is just a dream!
September 2010, future site of Silverleaf!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Marty and Nancy return and get to work!

Nancy works on sanding logs . . . on the staircase, on the front interior wall, and the logs for the kitchen ceiling.

It was a big, time-consuming job!!

Marty and Greg work on the laundry room ceiling and walls, and the two closets in there.  Then they move on to the master bathroom ceiling.

They even hang a couple of doors!

I worked on insulating the inside walls of the upper bedrooms.  It wasn't needed for the inspection, but we wanted to insulate those walls for sound. 

The insulation isn't stapled in place yet, as Greg was using the nail gun, but the next day we got a "T" for the pneumatic hose line, so I could use the pneumatic stapler, while Greg was using the pneumatic nailer. 

I also worked on the insulating the stairwell going downstairs.

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